An Alternative Way to Support Your Local Photographer
Almost everyone knows someone who is a photographer or does photography as a hobby. Many photographers shoot as much as possible but still need to work full-time jobs if photography doesn’t pay the bills. It’s one of those career choices where very few people break through the threshold of becoming a successful self-employed creative. Of course, there’s not much you can do to kickstart someone else's career, however, there is a way that you can help create some passive income to keep them afloat. Photo prints and artwork are something that most people have in their homes, so why not consider buying them from a local photographer?
Some photographers specialize in exactly this, shooting beautiful landscapes or urban architecture, and selling those prints. Most photographers are shooting various other nichés, but they also shoot for fun, travel and explore, bringing their camera along. These photos often make incredible wallpapers for your phone, artwork for your home or office, or even a gift for a loved one. The appeal to just grab something you like at Homesense or Marshals is understandable, it’s convenient and cheap. Consider doing a little research and looking online at some local photographers and see if they have any artwork that speaks to you. You could find a print of a hometown landmark, a dream vacation spot, or anything else that speaks to you, rather than a print of Paris that 2000 other families have in their living room. You will own a piece of art that someone local spent their time crafting, and likely very few others have copies of. In this day and age, no matter what you’re into, with a bit of searching online, you can easily find someone who creates work that speaks to you.
Coming from the perspective of a photographer, this kind of income helps to supplement the times when clients grow thin, as photography tends to fluctuate seasonally for most. When you buy a print or two, hang them up at home, and refer a friend when they compliment your new artwork, that can end up making a world of difference at the end of the month when it’s time to pay the bills. So the next time you get that itch to update your living space or need a gift for an artsy friend, consider checking if your local photographer has an online gallery of prints because you may just find a gem that brightens up your room.
If this article left you inspired, please feel free to head over to our Gallery where you can find entire photo collections available for print.